Saturday, February 12, 2011

*Bang* Starts the Race

Why howdy there! How y'all doin'? Okay, I'm done being a yokel... hope you're all wonderful and happy! Life in Spokane is pretty phenomenal as well; overwhelming, but great :)

I had no idea student teaching would be like this. NO idea. The past two days they've basically just been sitting us down telling us preCISEly how we are going to die in the next few weeks. They keep prefacing it with, "this is why Whitworth grads are so sought after!", to which I respond, "yeah, if you can find them in the dark room they're still hiding in". But that's okay! I just keep telling myself, "the past 17 years of my education have worked up to this moment right here, there's nothing more idiotic than giving up now." I guess I'll fight for it.

You're probably asking yourself what they're making us all do. To be completely honest, I don't know. I can't list it out, it's too overwhelming and my mind won't let me wrap around it. Oh well, we'll let Future Chelsea worry about it. One step at a time...

This past week, I spent Monday and Tuesday in my classroom and started my Whitworth Block schedule on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Basically we're in the schools for a little while and then they pull us out for the last few days of the next three weeks and sit us down in seminars for 7 hours. I've been learning quite a bit about classroom management, assessment and etc. through it, but I'd rather be in my class with my kiddos :) Mr. Gamon's not very happy about it either. We mesh so well, we've already kind of become a team. But it's what has to happen! I've been trying to plug away at assignments and big certification junk, but have found that I can't stay up past 10pm. And I still haven't learned that homework can't always be done at night (thanks to my unstoppable coma) and that I should probably take care of the important stuff before catching up with friends. It's been so wonderful seeing everyone after my trip though; have really been trying to invest in the quality relationships I've built over the last few months and years.

We started the pilot for the TPA (I call it the Toilet Paper Association... really means Teacher Pedagogy Assessment)... can't remember if I told you, but I'm helping Whitworth pilot a new certification assessment that'll be used by everyone in the state next year. Myself and two other education nerds decided to head it up (I was actually volunteered by a professor... can't figure out if that professor did it because she likes me or because she hates me. I'm thinking the latter). Sadly, we've already lost one to stress, so it's just me and the other secondary science person in the program! It'll be a lot of work and a lot of collaboration with the School of Education's professors, but it's said to be a good preparation for becoming Nationally Board Certified. So good juju vibes about that would be much appreciated :)

Everything is awesome though! Sorry, don't mean this to be a doomsday blog... I've truly never been happier :) been working hard, sleeping hard, waking up to work harder, and so on. Oh, and don't forget the amazing food here in the states. I've been spending my free time (aka time I force myself to stop and breathe) looking at pictures and videos from Kazakhstan. I miss it so much, it's nuts. I think it's finally hit me that I'm not there and, even if I go back, it'll never be the same experience or situation again. But I've loved reliving it through the memories and pictures... that and all the friends I'm reconnecting with want to hear the stories so I'm in heaven!

So yes, everything's plugging along. Next weekend Richard and I will be heading over to Gig Harbor to celebrate PAYTON'S FIRST BIRTHDAY WOOT! with the family :) and the weekend after that, I guess I'll be flying down to Oregon to party on the REAL birthday. I'm excited :) and then, when I get back, my unit will be due and I'll be expected to teach it full time at Northwood. Eek. So incredibly happy though :)

Anyway, I love you all and can't wait to see you soon. Prayers going out to you all for health and happiness.

Peace and love,


  1. Take a deep breath, and ---- just take another one, and hang in there! It will get better, if not soon- in June. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Love until then!

  2. I know I've said this a million times before, but I don't know how you keep going. You run laps around the Eveready Bunny.

    Now I have to nap to recover from just READING about your life.

  3. See you in two weeks! Party time! =)

  4. I'm not sure if this is makes it better or worse--but student teaching is harder than teaching in some ways (um, except for the 1st year... sorry to get your hopes up). You have to be both a student AND a teacher, which is hard, plus being guest in someone's classroom, which is both good & bad. Good prep for nat'l boards, procert, and/or your masters program though!

    Don't worry, soon enough you'll be able to focus on "just" teaching :)

  5. Things will get easier as time goes by yand soon it will be your classroom and you can do pretty much what you want
