Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Check and Mate

Should really be working on a research paper right now (it's going to be an epic victory if I can pull this one off), but just wanted to let y'all know, well those who were waiting with bated breath alongside me, that my Washington Educator's Skills Test (WEST-E) for my biology endorsement has been conquered :D passed by two whole points (which is technically one question... eek) but they call the student who finishes last in medical school doctor, right?! So I am certified and ready to go! I'll be able to teach in Washington state after student teaching :) I cried, jumped up and down, all the usual. Thanks for believing in me :)

Another quick story I thought many would appreciate. I came home from a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving (thanks to all who made it so special :) ) to find more snow than I could shake a stick at. I parked two blocks away and trudged through about a foot and a half of snow (the sidewalk was nonexistant and snow plows filled them anyway), in some areas 3 foot snow banks, with the huge bags of goodies and provisions my mom sent me off with. After falling multiple times into the snow along the way with my comically oversized luggage, I finally made it inside. And promptly realized that my pants zipper was not only down, but flayed open. I thought I'd noticed a draft... at least it was dark when I got home, I'm pretty sure I was a walking sideshow. Best part?! It gets better and better! We got probably a foot and a half continuously throughout the day yesterday and the prospects only look whiter. Imagine me, the most balanced and coordinated person this side of the Mississippi *insert sarcastic tone here* trying to walk down my killer 55 degree driveway to get to a sidewalkless street of cars going 45mph around a slight corner before my house. It's awesome.

Oh, and I got my visa for my trip to Kazakhstan while I was home! Oh the joy! Tis beautiful, and I'm now in the process of applying for a train ticket to Almaty and finding housing there. We were suggested a little B&B called "So Young's Happiness Guesthouse"... looking into it though, kind of sounds like... well, let your imagine roam free.

Alrightyroo, gotta jet to do SOMETHING for this research paper... oh, and exam this afternoon. Been working hard to finish the year strong with homework and have also been spending numerous hours preparing for choir tour, can't wait to get the ball rolling! Hope you're all safe and enjoying this holly jolly holiday season. Love you all like you wouldn't believe :)

Peace and love,


  1. How many teaching applications have you filled out? Get busy girl, with this wonderful news comes financial from me! Always knew you could and would do anything you put your mind to, you are amazing!
    Hugs from Chicago where it is now snowing!

  2. Never doubted you for a second! Love you too and hope to see you at Christmas!!!!!

  3. Why study and write papers - your a certified teacher now!

    Just kidding :) Make that strong sprint to the finish line, then indulge in some much deserved power-relaxing.

  4. So proud of you, and happy you passed. Looks like everything started "falling" into place for your future after you got back to snow drifted Spokane. We will see you Sat. eve if all goes well. Have our tickets. Love you!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we missed you while you were home. Love you.

  5. So proud of you Chels. Knew you would come on through with flying colors. There will be so many young minds inspired (and entertained) by you on the road ahead. Lucky kids.

    Next on your journey...Kazakhstan! Hard to believe that is right around the corner.

    Love you so very much!
