Friday, November 19, 2010

Computer Fail

Why hellooooooo everyone! Sorry, I totally intended to write sooner, but my computer got... kind of... upset. Long story short, dropped the laptop, bent the computer cord, battery has about 7 minutes of life in it (on a good day) without direct cord hookup, cord is plugged in but doesn't count as connected at times, random spontaneous shut downs, fried and angry hard drive. BUT! Good news! Richard is a computer nerd, Chelsea gets a new hard drive and computer cord, and is now writing. Thank you, Richard :) It's funny, I never realized the easy convenience of having a computer at my fingertips all the time! I had to plan trips to campus before assignments were due... reminds me of when we all planned trips across the Narrows when the new bridge toll took over the lives of Sounders everywhere :) But here I am! My computer is good as new, if not better. Joy!

Anyways, lots lots LOTS has happened since we last spoke. Had a fantastic visit with Jenna, Kyle and the not-so-little Payton Marie a few weekends back (holy cow, how long ago was that?! Time is flying!) and it was absolutely wonderful :) Great family time, had fun with Richard downtown, it was aaaaaallll good! And, cooler yet, Richard surprised me with a visit to my parents to see them and my best friend Chelsea Trotter :D he was in cahoots with them for a while, it was such a blessing and finished up the weekend beautifully. Just what I needed. Again, thank you Richard :)
Wonderful music...
And wonderful scenary!
Since that wonderful getaway, I've been plugging through my last few weeks of the semester by working hard and hardly working... it's crucial to know both, right?! Class has been fairly hectic, especially this past week with a Genetics exam, Evolutionary Biology paper, presentation of high school reform as a policy issue, and creating and presenting at an intercollegiate poster forum. My theme was "A Snapshot of Refugee Students". Spoke to a lot of people about who refugees are and how they differ in choice and obstacles from immigrants (many don't know, it's interesting!) as well as research via anecdotal evidence, literature and interview as to how we as educators can help refugee students feel welcome to learn. PHEW! And even better, last weekend was my WEST-E exam, or Washington Educator's Skills Test- Endorsement. I took the Biology WEST-E and MAN did that SUCK. The exam was only 110 multiple choice questions, but they were based on the most difficult, small details of the hardest classes I've had here at Whitworth. SO not what I expected, everyone said it was cake! Which is what I was banking on... this is my only shot. I need to pass to student teach, but I couldn't take it before this point because I needed Genetics and Evolutionary Biology. And, better yet, the only retake before student teaching is in January, and yes, you guessed it, I'll be in the Big Kaz. I prayed before I went to bed the night before, at the exam with a friend, when they put the test in front of me, and when I put my pencil down. I've got a quaternary prayer thing going on :) I would appreciate your thoughts too. Thanks in advance!

Good news! Seevers has a room!!! We have a dining room and a whole mess of other house issues (plumbing, locks, name it... probably got it), but I feel so much better knowing that she has her own space... it wasn't a good situation. She's graduated to the garage, score! It's kind of interesting right now at the house, a little up in the air, because Steph graduates at the end of the semester and is now probably going home. She has guaranteed work there... I don't see her half as much as I used to, it's a little sad, but I don't want to see her leave! It's really getting to her, she doesn't know what to do, so I would appreciate good juju vibes being sent her way. Again, thanks for that!

In other news, guess what's coming up and has my panties in a bunch?! Actually two things... thankfully not two bunches... KAZAKHSTAN YAY! I sent in my visa application yesterday, so now we just wait with baited breath to make sure they want me. The other thing is... CHOIR TOUR YAY! It's that time of year again... this years concert is called Heaven and Nature Sing, and will truly be a look into Heaven I think. It'll be the Whitworth Choir, Men's Chorus and (ding ding) Women's Choir. We'll be at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue on December 4th at 7pm and will be at First Presbyterian Church of Seattle on December 5th at 3pm. Also, we shall sing in Spokanistan on December 10th at 8pm and 11th at 3pm and 7pm. Students are $15, adults are $18. Okay, commercial over :) it's gonna be a great show though if you're looking for something to do that weekend that involves beautiful music and a trip to the city... just sayin' :)

It's going to be a busy time because (I promised I'd mention it, so here ya go) I'm president of Women's Choir this year. I'm determined to run a choirocracy (you know, off-shoot of democracy... only more in tune) but it'll still be quite the job apparently. I'm flattered, just hope that I can live up to the trust they've given me! I know, it's not that big of a deal, but I still want to do a good job.

Okay, what else... it's thinking of snowing in Spokane! And, thankfully, right in time for Richard and I to travel the pass once more for Thanksgiving! I hope I get to see most of you, unfortunately for him he has to leave Thanksgiving evening... I'm so thankful that he is able to come at all, but he could only get two days off work. But I'll stick around! Festivities shall include: decorating for Christmas and other traditions, getting fat, seeing Harry Potter with my daddy (tradition :) ) and some much needed relaxation. Bring. It. On. Can't really think of much else... it's basically an easy peasy downward slide until then. So, I guess this weekend will be filled with time with friends and time spent wrapped up in a blankie watching the snow with a cup of coco. Hope you're blessed with laughter and learning, and also hope to see you soon!

Peace and love,


  1. Yes, you made you're mom happy again.....!

  2. Chelsea makes EVERYONE happy...all the time!

    Looking forward to seeing you and the Big R at Thanksgiving, I hope he's up to the three-ring circus of all of us together.

  3. Take it easy on the pass drive slow I am praying there is not a lot of snow for you to drive in. Grandpa will put your studded tires on when you get here love you guys. Grandma & Grandpa B. Why don't you stop here on your way through.Do you have any idea what time that might be???Doesn't really matter we will be here for you. G&G B
