Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summing It Up

So, long time no chit-chat! Hope that life is treating you all well and that your lives are filled with health and happiness. As the end of "my summer" comes to a close, I've been reflecting quite a bit on the transition out of college. It's been rougher than I expected, but also extremely growing. Anyway, that is neither here nor there... nor interesting, so I'll get on with telling you how I have occupied my time.

I have been and continue to be gainfully unemployed, but have been actively searching for work. Each week or so, I head over to the Washington State Superintendent's Office and go through each and every school district website and check their job postings. I've applied to a few places, mostly on the westside, but haven't really heard anything back yet. Any prayers or good thoughts you could send my way would be much appreciated! I'm putting in the effort, and I know that God'll plop me down wherever is right, but it's hard feeling as though my purpose in life is being unfulfilled. But it'll change, and I'm trying to keep my mind active as to what the future holds and all the opportunities I can create/take advantage of.

I spent quite a bit of time at the family's lake cabin, both helping wrap up the basics of the renovation and relaxing with the family. We had Payton for quite a while which was both a blast and enlightening... nothing quite like taking care of a little one to open your eyes as to the responsibilities of having children! But it was completely worthwhile, and I enjoyed every second. I haven't seen Payton nearly as much as I would have liked to since she's been born; it was a huge blessing to have built memories with her, even if she won't remember them, and to feel as though she finally knows who I am. I feel like the pictures below are a good representation of our time at the cabin with Payton:

The fourth was tons of fun and time with the family is always great, but I was missing Richard a lot during that time... but I received a wonderful surprise while at the cabin. I was cooking soup for the family dinner when my mom slipped out of the house, came back in and called, "oh Master Chef, come here for a moment!"; just as I turned around, Richard was slipping in the door with a vase of flowers. I instantly started crying, it had been a month since we'd seen each other! Although that's not a lot of time and we've gone longer than that before, I was really missing him. With him he brought a little novelty glass bottle with seashells and sand and a phone microchip that had a video of pictures of the two of us :) he had Jenna hide it under the dock so that I could stumble upon it! It was such a blessing, he was able to stay for almost three days and enjoy the cabin :)

After the cabin, I came home for a few days and headed out to Spokane for my planned vacation (well, didn't really have anything to "vacation" from, but...). Richard was able to get a week off work and a few shifts after that, so I mosied on over for time with him and his family. It was wonderful! We camped for three days which, we learned very quickly, is a long time to be in an abandoned field in the rain and with little to do. It was still great, but we had no idea how much it would cost (even with a free campsite... we camped at his dad's property in Priest River, Idaho that used to be his grandma's farm) and the work it would take. It took hours to cook a meal, and getting all that food and charcoal at once ain't cheap! Still great though :) we swam a lot, went to Silverwood with his immediate family (including his little nephews :) ), went to a family reunion of Richard's mom's side of the family at a family tradition known as "The Mudhole" (a local cove off of Priest River that has buoys and gates set for swimming), hunting for arrowheads, exploring Newport, went to a baseball game on fireworks night, lots of reading and TONS of talking. Overall, it was a great time and just what we needed :) then I came back, spent a little more time at the lake, and have been continuing to just plug away at family chores and such!

This is our lovely campsite in our nicely abandoned field :)

And the gorgeous view of the field at sunset!

I carmalized onions over the campfire. Oh. My. Gosh. Not even FUNNY how good it was with charcoal burgers.

This is the Mudhole I was talking about... tada, in all it's glory!

This was posted in a museum at Newport... glad these rules don't apply anymore haha.

Take me out to the ballgame! Oh, and a bag of peanuts... $4?! Ridiculous...

This past weekend, my dad and I headed to the Enumclaw Highland Games to find haggis, bagpipes and manskirts (*cough* kilts *cough*) galore. It was tons of fun! Those kinds of big events just have a fun energy, not to mention there are always fun people to watch :) for some reason, all the Renaissance Fair people think the Highland Games is the basically the same event, so bring on the pirates and fairies. Very celtic...

So yup! Still getting together with friends in spare time and working towards the next big thing: a job! I better get back to job searches, but I hope all's well and to see you guys soon :)

With love,


  1. Glad to see you have carved out a teensy bit of Chelsea time this summer.

    Good luck with that pesky job thing.

  2. Get a job, get a job, get a job job job!

  3. But wait - were they GOOD peanuts?? This girl has standards!

  4. I know this is late and you may never see it, but I finally (again) figured how to ans the blogs. Glad you closer and teaching. So proud of you and know even though it will have rough spots you will come out on top. Love and Prayers. Nana C

    P.S. Hurry and get up another blog so I can use my new found power and ans.
