Thursday, June 9, 2011

Endings and Beginnings

I'm sitting on the couch in my parents' living room, thinking to myself "wow, I can't believe I'm here". Not because it was some big surprise or because I thought I would be halfway to Mexico by now, but because so much life has happened in the past few weeks. I saw the end of Women's Choir, the end of my time as a Whitworth senior, the end of my undergraduate career and of student teaching, and the beginning of my Grandma's journey through eternal life. All were beautiful, but none were spared of emotion and difficulty. I don't know how else to put it, but if anything has shown through the clouds of change these paste weeks it has been love. Without a doubt, the love of my family, those around me, and God has been my saving grace. For all of you who have shown me unconditional love in this time and beyond, a thousand words of thanks. I can't express how you've impacted me, all explanations are insufficient. Know that I send it your way tenfold and that I love you all with all my heart.

I don't know what else to say or how to say it, so I'll move on. My mom informed me (shocker) that I haven't filled everyone in on what happened as the school year came to a close. I'll give you a quick synopsis, followed by what's been going on since I've been back (abridged) and what the future holds in store!

It's crazy to think that my time at Whitworth has come to a close... it feels like yesterday when I was moving into Duvall! Some much has changed since then, I don't recognize who I am anymore; I'm not against who I was, but I am thankful to have grown and become the person I am today. The weekend before my graduation, or "springing" as I may refer to it throughout the blog, was our Senior Boat Cruise in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. It was one of those awkward times when you're stuck on a boat for three hours a bunch of your drunk classmates that you haven't seen for years and have to make small talk with, you know?! No? Okay, maybe not... I had a great (sober) time with some of my close friends and dancing on the top deck in the rain with the four other girls (my friends, of course) who weren't afraid of getting their hair wet. I was really thankful for the event, though, because it allowed me to see people I otherwise might not have before we all left, or "sprang".

This is my friend Natalie, social coordinator for Women's Choir, and I on the boat cruise!

My final week of college was spent partly at Whitworth, where we had mock interviews, portfolio presentations, guest speakers, group photos and awards (my mom, against my wishes, would like me to mention that I was awarded the Vicki Lewis Humanitarian Service Award from the School of Education. So there, I did it). It was a great connector to Whitworth, especially since student teaching had left most of us feeling disconnected from the Whitworth community. On the days that I wasn't at Whitworth, I was at Northwood finishing up my student teaching experience. It was bittersweet... I was ecstatic to have survived with a shred of my dignity and with recommendations that might actually help, not hinder, me in getting a job. At the same time, I didn't want to say goodbye to my students yet. They have made this whole experience worthwhile, and in fact where the point in me going through it.

In my final week, a lot of great things happened. My students presented their "Build-A-Body" projects, which were much more successful than I anticipated (as seen below... this is one of my crazy students and his project; he dwelled on the fact that his project was "feedable") and Dr. Mike of Whitworth's biology faculty came to my Dissection Viewapalooza (a day set aside to viewing seven different preserved animal specimens and sketching their connections to the human body systems discussed in class), bringing with him a Snapping Turtle (also seen below) and some awesome stories. Other memorable moments include my Tasting and Illusions Lab and the going away party my mentor teacher threw for me on my final day. It was so special, and I had no idea! He got a huge sheet cake that read "Thank you Ms. Casebolt, We Love You", there were balloons, he had each class period sign a poster for me, the works :) the students didn't know that it was the day, however, and there was a breadth of reactions; it ranged from the "cool, middle school guy" head nod to a boy vowing he would find me if I didn't come back before the end of the school year and a girl spending 30 minutes in the counseling center crying over my departure. Throughout the day, I smiled and laughed and said my goodbyes to my beloved kiddos. Inside, however, I just wanted to burst into tears. I held it together, though, until I was driving home. I didn't like the feeling necessarily, but I feel blessed that I will have the same sentiments each year for the rest of my career. It's a beautiful thing to love so much it hurts; I'm truly thankful for that ability :)

I want to share with you guys the story of my cap. My mortarboard, as you can see below, is a sketch of the human digestive system (one of the systems I tought to my students) with an apple in the place of the heart (since I have a "heart" for teaching, get it?!). After printing that off, I had all 140 students that I taught sign it :) it was so special to have, it felt as though I had them all with me; this was important to me since it was because of them that I was able to walk with my certification under my belt. It is one of my more prized possesions now, and I'm thankful to have it!

Also, I saw the end of my time in Whitworth Women's Choir those last weeks. I distributed the sweatshirts I fought so hard to get (don't remind me...), pranked my choir director and proclaimed it on YouTube, performed in my last choir concert with my sisters, and orchestrated the end-of-the-year Women's Choir dinner the Monday of finals week. The food was amazing, I improvised gifts and speeches throughout... it was quite the event! It's tradition to talk about what the summer and future has in store for us, so it was great to hear how many different places and things my people will be doing. I miss them all so much, but am so thankful for the opportunity to have made music with them!

This is the Women's Choir officers, the director and our accompanist... love and miss them :)

And finally, graduation! Here are pictures of some of the people I love with all my heart :)

The big moment!

Women's Choir officers!

Steph and I... four years as roommates, crazy!

This is Dr. Mike and I. We both cried as we said our goodbyes to each other... nowhere but Whitworth :)

That weekend was full of birthday celebrations for my dad's birthday, a Commissioning and Communion service for students and their families, baccalaureate, the "springing" itself and packing for home! Many of you know what ensued after I returned home, and I feel so blessed to have been a part of it. Since coming home, I've made it to Spokane twice (once to pick up the remainder of my furniture and again to visit friends and my classroom), have spent time with family, have knocked some things of the to-do list, been helping at Vacation Bible School rehearsals at Chapel Hill with Chels, and am still looking for jobs. I received my certification last week and my diploma today (wahoo!) so it's starting to sink in... just a little though :) this weekend is Richard and my 1-year anniversary of dating (I know, not a big deal to y'all who have been in long term relationships, but it is for me!) so he was able to get time off work and is coming to Gig Harbor for a weekend of fun :D I'm so excited, I'm planning fun little romantic dates and etc! I'll hopefully have pictures of those events soon... it's just good to be able to spend time with the most special man I've ever known, with the biggest heart I've ever encountered :)

I've actually had a hard time talking about Grandma Book, so I'm so thankful for Jenna's letter to her because it echos many of the sentiments I think we all feel. I hope that I'll soon be able to talk about it, but until then I know she knows that I can't wait for the day we all see her again and that she is a survivor, through and through. Love you grandma, more than anything.

With that, I'm off to convert mom's VHS home videos to DVD... love you all, thanks for seeing me through the end of my college time. Time to move on, but I loved what I've moved through :)



  1. As usual, your life exhausts me just reading about it.

    Hang on and enjoy "the next chapter in your book". I'm sure it will be a good read.

  2. You have already changed so many people's lives, and you are only 22!!! I am SO proud of you and everything you have done; you are an amazing role model, and I love you to death:)

    <3 McKenna

  3. My goodness Chels....the things you can accomplish in a week are more than some if us accomplish in a lifetime! You are an inspiring young lady.

    I so enjoy reading your blogs as I can clearly visualize your stories and love the humor found in little moments.

    1 year IS a big deal! I'm sure you two will have an amazing weekend of dates together :) Tell Richard hello from our gang.

    Love you very much!

    ~Aunt Tawnya

  4. Beautiful pictures! You've worked hard, done well and it's time to relax for awhile and ge-generate. We are so proud of you, and love you very much. Look forward to great things in the future for you. Nana C
