Friday, January 15, 2010

The Queen of the Sheep

JanTerm is good. Class is good. Friends are good. All is good. The true meaning of this post was to show you how I catapulted myself into the life of a carnivore. I cooked red meat for the first time tonight, and DIDN'T die!
Shepherd's Pie is the name, and everything in my canned vegetable stores is the game. Not to mention the fresh stuff :) Sauteed some ground beef, corn, green beans, potato cubes, shitake mushrooms, spinach and tomato sauce (for gravy-like purposes... I also added some thyme, coriander and oregano) and then made some mashed potatoes with, well, potatos (with the peel of course... come on, what do you take me for?!), garlic and butter and milk and thyme and parsley and a dash of love. Put it in the oven and mark it with an E (you know, for "edible"... that's pretty much all I was going for) and you have a Shepherd's Pie!
As you can see, I detailed the process for my family to see my incredible eating skills... that and I had to call my dad before the mayham (to ask him how to cook red meat... not too proud...) before and he told me to take pictures :) My house called me the Shepherd Queen, so that was pretty exciting. It actually turned out amazing. AND I forgot the best part: I NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT A RECIPE! Booyah, my scientific curiosity and chemistry training finally became useful and, thanks to Winco, relatively inexpensive.
Anyway, been keeping fairly busy with things, but loving the relaxed-ness of this time of year. I hope you are all also enjoying this incredible time and I would love to hear from you all. I'm continually praying for you every night before I go to bed, just so you know, and love you all very much.

Julia Child


  1. I am impressed with your skills I think you got it from your mother. Love you GBook

  2. Good Job! The secret is to use your head and nose for aroma, then taste! It usually turns out pretty good. Good experience. Love you Gram C

  3. Now that your secret is out, you're gonna have to start cooking for us!
