Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All Hail the Burrito!

So I know my blogs have become food-related (I swear I'm not being paid by the Food Network) but I have to tell you about this really smart (sarcasm) choice I made this past Saturday. One of my friends in my class and I were talking and she showed me this picture of a 5-lb burrito that she had demolished a few months earlier. And yes, that lit a fire under my stomach :) So this past Saturday, I attempted and utterly failed. I was proud of the attempt (as were the people I met there! Hahaha) but it was just WAAAY too much. I've made peace with it, and afterwards I was saying "I WILL be back to complete it in one sitting" but in the subsequent days I have decided that food challenges are not for me. You will not be seeing me starring on the next episode of Man vs Food, that's for sure... even though that was my inspiration... gotta love a show about glutiny!

How are all you guys?! I hope the end of the month is treating you well. I'm home now for JanTerm break, getting ready for the baby shower this weekend! My class ended really well (I was the intelligent person that saved the majority of their homework for the whole semester til the night before it was due... lots of lost sleep, but I'm making up for it :) ) and I gave a presentation on the Curse of Macbeth that went really well. Any questions, just let me know :) made the trek over here yesterday and have since been pulling together a bunch of loose ends and basically knocked out my to-do list. YAY! Now I have one big project left that's almost done, but it's kind of a surprise so sorry I can't give more details :) my house is good, my friends are good (Steph comes back next Thursday!) and I'm excited to start another semester at good 'ole Whitworth. Not too much to report here!
Well, that's it for now. Last two weeks have been filled with nothing too special so I'll leave it at that. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!


  1. Now that dish doesn't look to bad but is it for one person?? See you Saturday!!! Love you GGBook

  2. Yay! Chelsea is smarter than her aunt!

    I would have eaten it, been miserable and sorry and never want to eat again.

    You left a challenge "on the table" for later. I'm proud of you.

  3. Chris won't see you tomorrow - I will! (forgot to switch google accounts)
