Thursday, August 27, 2009

La Starta of the Bloga

Welcome to my concession! I have finally given in, everyone... STOP! Blog time :) Everyone seems to agree, myself included, that this may be the easier way in which to keep in touch and relate my debauchery to you all. This way, I won't have to write a small novel; instead I can just post the fun as it comes! And it gives a new field of competition for my family and their "I'm going to out-comment you" mentality :) So welcome! For a little bit this blog may be a work in progress, meaning I might change the layout and such, but I will try my best to keep it updated, I really will. Each year has been a huge change, so we'll have to see how this year goes, but I anticipate a much more relaxed, free atmosphere. Don't worry, I'll still keep myself fairly busy, but just in different ways. And I'll be taking you guys along with me :)

I moved into my new (well, not so new... the geometric-design shudders give it away) duplex a few days ago and already love it. My housemates are great, the other two who are already here, and I think it's going to be a wonderful change of pace and push into adulthood. My papa left me today (TO STARVE!!! Just kidding, we ate enough the last three days to keep me full until Thanksgiving... I'm assuming that was intentional on his part...) and I headed over to campus to visit some friends. Tons of people are coming back today for RA training (haha SUCKERS!) and for various other reasons so I snuck into the cafeteria (Saga, if you may recall) and made the rounds. I saw a few old team members from my leadership team and started feeling both nostalgic and sad. Part of me would really have liked to be an RA again, but I'm ready for a new adventure and feel as though I took as much from the experience last year as I could have. This year will be completely different and yet I anticipate that it'll be completely great! With living off-campus, tour-guiding, classes, being a peer advisor for about 20 freshman, choir, possibly auditioning for the school play (SO excited!), my refugee family and volunteering with the Bonner Leader program, it's shaping up to be a pretty dang good year :)

When papa and I arrived in Spokane after much gluteal distress, we took a tour around campus and went to the beautiful, newly-seeded lawn that was once Keola. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my much beloved, asbestos-filled home last year has been destroyed. It was really kind of sad, I'm going to miss everything about it. Well, not everything, but the people, the memories and what it represented. But on the flip side, it's kind of cool because I can tell people I'm giving tours to that I once lived in a dorm that doesn't even exist anymore! How about them apples?!

So for the next week and a half (I got here pretty early) I will be getting things put together in my house, bonding with my roommates, and creeping on RA training and Traditiation meetings. I'm in the Library right now for two reasons: 1) It's air conditioned and my house is not, 2) it has Internet and my house does not. We're going to be fixing this very soon, we are looking between Comcast and someone named "my friend knows this guy who..." and we'll probably be going with the latter :) Spokane is beautiful and I wish you were all here, but I'll try and make it feel like you are, okay?! My email at is still fully functioning and I would love to still hear from you all, so don't think that door has closed just because this one has opened up. Also, I've been asked to provide my address here at school, so here it is!

9803 N Ivanhoe Rd
Spokane, WA 99218

Tada! That's it for the first post. Wow, practically painless! So comment away if you see fit, and I will talk to you all soon.

With love,


  1. Damn. I'm not first to comment, but I DID post before your Mom and SHE's the one that turned these loving glimpses into our lives to gloves-off, teeth-bared, no-holds-barred competitions.

    I'm glad you are getting settled for another year. Don't forget about us here on the home front!

  2. She who blogs first blogs have not heard the last of this Tawnya. I might have to quit my job and hover 24/7 over the multiple blog address on my desktop. Take that!
    And yes, pictures would be nice so I remember what you look like........

  3. Don't listen to the moms! Wordy posts are just fine! They basically knocked down and rearranged a huge chunk of my campus... it was traumatizing!

  4. Have a good year, will love hearing from and about you and your escapades. Love you!!!

  5. Hey what happened I was the second one to comment and now it is gone. Come on folks give the old grama a break. Love the blog Chelsea can't wait to hear more. Love you. G&GB00k

  6. Is this it? "In Kazakh cuisine, the manti filling is normally ground lamb (or beef or horse meat) spiced with black pepper, sometimes with the addition of chopped pumpkin or squash. Manti are cooked in a multi-level steamer and served topped with butter, sour cream, or onion (or garlic) sauce. When sold as street food in Kazakhstan, manti are typically presented sprinkled with hot red pepper powder."
