Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello one and all! So I don't have pictures of my new home yet, but I will soon I promise. I have been spending my days flocking to campus because Internet and air conditioning are very attractive luxuries that my house lacks. I've been visiting friends and watching the student leadership return to campus from the sidelines and have a joyful old time! When not doing that, I've been bonding with my new housemates (LOVE them, it's going to be a fantastic year!) and sprucing up the old place. I feel like such a grown-up! We've basically lived at the thrift stores in town and been taking daily adventures around the greater Spokane area to find garage sales. The other day, one of my housemates and I hit 6 garage sales within an hour and found tons of nifty stuff that just needed a LOT of TLC... and some antibacterial cleansing... I worked for a good two hours on this toaster from the 1970's or earlier that has since declared mutiny against me, but at least it doesn't smell like burning gasoline anymore! And more importantly I made the cheap chrome paneling shine like a new penny :) Anyway, we've been fixing up our bargain buys and have invested a whopping $30 bucks into this place (second mortgage here we come!) but I weeded yesterday, sanded and revarnished our dining room table (a freeby because it had broken in half, so we also filled the crack and bracketed it too...) planted a garden, fixed my dubious toaster for the second time and a hodge-podge of other stuff. The great thing is my roommates really want this to be a home and so we're all pulling our weight. The last two roommates are slated to come within the week, so the family will be complete!

The other day, I went grocery shopping for myself for the first time. And I don't mean picking up a few things here and there for the family, or getting snacks or even meals to pack into the dorm room. I mean real food, food I have to make on a daily basis. You'll be happy to know I haven't made myself sick yet, but give it time :) the learning curve doesn't just apply to book learnin'.

I will most definitely post pictures within the next week or so to show you what the house looks like. It's going to be a very bohemian, eclectic style because of two reasons: 1) All my housemates like the look, and 2) the price is right. I have some before pictures, and I'll put those nasty reminders up too :) Anyway, I think the girl working in this coffee shop has started placing bets about whether or not I'll ask to sleep here so I'm going to get out of her hair. I love you all dearly, and I hope to hear from you soon!

With love,

P.S. Don't worry, I haven't been working so hard that I'm not having fun... midnight sprinkler runs on campus have already happened, AND I've already been pegged in the head with a frisbee inside the new dorm :)


  1. Our dining table was off Craigslist for cheap. But it came from a nasty house with five kids, and the guy had a tattoo of a toilet with the seat up on his stomach. Needless to say I spent HOURS upon HOURS scrubbing that thing within an inch of it's life. I think that was a two bottle disinfectant job - but is is always worth it!

  2. WOW you have been one busy girl. You should have garage sale shopped in our basement our prices are really cheap. We are happy that you have great roomies sounds like you will really become a little family as the year goes by. Love you G&GBOOK

  3. Ahh the days of decorating in "Early Attic". Yet it was so rewarding and there was no pressure to conform to Martha Stewart.

    I'm glad to see you are a "busy little bee". You thrive on it and handle it well. Yay, Chelsea!

    Go get 'em...

  4. Hmmmm, I remember offering to $$PAY$$ you this summer to weed at home. Interesting, very interesting.......
    Glad everything is falling in to place, it's going to be another terrific year!

  5. Yay I'm so excited you have a blog! You make me laugh out loud when I read stuff you write, thank you for giving me an extra reason to smile :) Sounds like you're off to a great start this year, enjoy every second... it goes by way too fast! I love you!!

  6. Hi! I've been looking for your new blog, and just figured out it has been here since the 2nd. Is there something special about being last! Now that I Know how to do it will see it sooner. I agree with Grandma Book, our basement and cupboards are great for a garage sale and free. Love you, Nana C
