Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Super Staffulty, to the rescue!

Hello loved ones! Just a quick update from me before I slip back into a pseudoephedrine coma... just kidding! But I am truly not feeling well... I've been doing so much better this year than last year as far as headaches and illness, but this four day President's day weekend was a signal to my body to unleash whatever my immune system had been holding back. Not quite how I'd planned spending my first true weekend off in a long time (from group, worship, other responsibilities), but oh well! I even had to take today off, which I didn't want to do because I'm in such a good groove at work and, well, in all honesty I should start saving sick leave up now for when a little Falk is on the way (DON'T FREAK! I mean in a few years... but I have to start thinking ahead). I plan to bank at least 8 of the 12 days I get this year anyway, assuming that there are no other "cruds" coming my way *fingers crossed*

I don't have a ton to update at this point, but want to stay on top of it (aka keep the mamma off my back, if you know what I mean :) ) so here's the latest and greatest! We've been getting into a good groove as far as the new life we've started with church, choir and other fun things. Still staying busy, but loving what we've gotten ourselves into. On top of that, second semester has already begun and I'm still wracking my head wondering what happened to the beginning of the year. It truly is speeding by this time, faster than ever before! Thankfully, the rearrangement of classes has made my groups much easier. Classroom dynamics are much better this time around and my rough groups are broken up, so I can focus a little more on learning and a little less on keeping my hair and nails intact. I've also been working really hard on some of things my school is trying to navigate, such as the new PGES (basically teacher evaluations) that is replacing last year's TPEP pilot that I went through. My principal has named me an exemplar (yay! I'm finally contributing!) and so I've been helping people work through the process in my spare time. On top of trainings and things I've been sent to on behalf of my team, I am feeling much more like a contributing member of my staff. As a matter of fact, at last week's staff meeting I was named Staffulty of the Month! It's only been a "thing" for our school since this year, but I'm honored to be one of the first to receive it, especially being such a young teacher. That, and they posted a picture of me in a large foam novelty cowboy hat with my plaque in the commons for all my kiddos to "admire" (I use quotations because I'm sure "admiration" means "to laugh at"). So at the end of the day, I feel as though the hard work is starting to pay off and I'm beginning to be valued, despite my novice :) but more importantly, I feel like this professional development is helping my kids learn more! And isn't that the end game after all?!

Anyway, that's about as much update as I can give at this point. If anything truly spectacular happens in the near future, I won't forget to post it here... otherwise, you'll hear from me again in a wee while :) I love you all so much, and don't be a stranger! Rainier is harder to see with all the rainy weather, but we've still got the best view around up here in Bonney Lake! Would love to share it with loved ones :)

Love and peace,


  1. No pictures? Do you still feel me on your back?

  2. I haven't posted a blog in about a year, so you're doing much better than I am. Don't you love mentioning a baby? All anyone hears is "baby" and not "in 100 years." ;)

  3. Helping staff in your "spare" time. Obviously you have to find some new hidey holes where they can't find you.

  4. P.S. Congrats on your Staffulty award.
