Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Long Time Coming...

Beloved friends and family, hello! I know, you probably gave up this blog like a bad habit, continually disappointed by my lack of additions to it in the last few months... this was not an intentional abandonment, but it was there none-the-less. So, I'm back! Not sure for how long, but long enough to enlighten you about the goings on of the Falk-Casebolt household!

This evening, after a beautiful day at church followed by a not-so-beautiful day organizing the garage, I sit in the crook of my super comfy couch with my monkey-picked oolong tea (according to the "tea expert" at the store, the monkey's where an old collection system? I won't question it, it's divine for this non-coffee person), looking back at my perfect home and wonderful life thinking, "how am I so blessed to have all this?!" Granted, each day has not been that way lately... and for only one reason. My new home is absolutely perfect for us (thank you to those who shared it with us this Easter!) and slowly but surely becoming our permahome, I'm falling more and more in love with Richard each day (not in the googly eyed sense, but in the more mature, partner in crime for life whether he likes it or not sort of way), my choir has been a phenomenal source of sanity in my week, I adore those women, Lily is feisty fun as always, and wedding plans/work are, well, done for all intensive purposes (all that's left is finalizing the ceremony and making the programs... everything else is set, invites are addressed, gifts are done, decorations and attire is complete, etc.). BUT, work has been quite the exhausting endeavor lately.

Apart from 14 hour days regularly (well, at least the last two months regularly), the demands and stresses of the job are definitely taking their toll. Taking enough of a toll to prompt me to explore other options. I know that I have been called to education in some form and building relationships with students is where my heart really lies, but I'm beginning to recognize that this calling can take many different forms! I've been looking into a masters potentially in school counseling to take that aspect, or I could continue my original plan of attaining my masters in educational psychology and, potentially, getting my doctorate in a related field to teach pedagogy at a university. But, at the same time, I love my kids and know that it'll get easier with time so don't want to abandon it so quickly. At the risk of building and living on a soap box, I'll just quickly say that I am not extremely pleased with where the educational system, including my school, is leading our youth. I think the whole picture is responsible, including family dynamic, but I'm looking forward to a cultural change altogether.

Anyway, enough of that. This upcoming week should be MUCH easier than last week was so I'm very happy! That and my wonderful father is coming to be a community member judge for our senior projects this week, so we'll get to spend a little time together :) two quick things that are upcoming though!
----- My choir has a performance coming up on June 1st at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Lakewood called "The Show Must Go On". It's our spring concert except this year we are doing a Broadway review as opposed to the tried and true choral-type arrangements. If you're looking for an amazingly good time and have always wished me to play Maria in The Sound of Music (I'm no Julie Andrews, but... well, that's it. I'm just not. And I'm mortified :/ ) then come on down! It'll be between $15 and $18 a ticket I believe. Oh, and I'm going to swordfight as a Frenchman if that's an incentive :)
----- Second, and this is kind of weird, my friend has a 7 year old male cat that she needs to find a good home for; she is moving in with new roommates who are extremely allergic to cats. Apparently he is an unbelievably relaxed cat, lets you clip his nails and everything, loves to play but is also a cuddler, and his name is Chronos. If you're interested, let me know! It's weird to put out there, but I feel terrible... I just really don't want another cat (nothing against the guy, really!) and will feel like less of a jerk if I at least TRY to find him another home other than mine. It's either that or the Humane Society :/

Well, I'm spent! I'm really looking forwad to seeing some of you ladies next weekend at my most surreal bridal shower (only because I still don't see myself as old enough and mature enough to be making these choices). I'm unbelievably excited! YAY! And I hope every last one of you knows that you are welcome at our home at any time :) speaking of which, here's a picture!

Love you all with all my heart,

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."
 - C.S. Lewis

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