Thursday, August 2, 2012

Busy, Busy July

Well hello again! And you all thought you wouldn't have a blog from me for four more months... FALSE! I'm back, sucka! Just kidding :)
This past July has been pretty busy between what I detailed in my last blog (Trotter's wedding, engagement pictures, Ocean Shores, the lake, King Tut/A+ Cert for Rich, hiking, etc.) and the time since the last blog around two weeks ago... so catch-up time!

First cool happenings was the stocking that Aunt Tanya helped me make! The background story: as most of you know, Grandma Book made stockings for most all of the family over the years that are treasured; it's not Christmas without Grandma's stocking on the fireplace/applicable fireplace substitute :) the stockings are so incredibly meaningful and speak volumes of the love that Grandma had whenever she did anything for her family. Well, I always had hoped that one day either Grandma or Grandma and myself could make Richard a Christmas stocking... almost like an inaguration into the family, you know? But that wasn't able to happen... it was a miniscule, inconcequential part of everything, but we found something so wonderful when going through the basement after Grandma was gone that made my heart leap. We found a cross-stitch stocking that Grandma had started but not finished. I cried I was so happy; it was an incredible find that had Grandma's love in it and I could finish for Richard! Everyone there were unbelievably kind in allowing me to take it and repurpose it; all it needed was a new name and a backing. So, a little over a week ago, I got ahold of master seamstress Aunt Tanya and she helped me make the most AMAZing stocking for him!

Tada! Ain't it beautiful? I am SO grateful for Aunt Tanya; she was such a great teacher and I was able to try all of it myself! It truly was a "teach a man to fish" situation and I am so thankful that she guided me through every step but gave me lisence to do it myself :) But holy cow, there's a LOT of steps that go into those things! Iron, cut, glue fabric, iron, iron, stitch, iron, stitch, stitch, invert, etc., etc., etc... Kinda glad it's made and now can just be enjoyed :) either way, I had so much fun with Aunt Tanya and later with Uncle Bob when he got home from work. Thanks guys!

The day after the stocking assembly, my Grandma Casebolt, cousin McKenna and I finished up our second day of Jam-a-palooza. Exhaustion was had by all, but that was awesome fun too! Our first Jam Day was ALL about the strawberries; this day, it was all about raspberries and apricot pineapple jam. We even got to u-pick and visit fruit stands; kind of broke up the kitchen time which was nice :) either way, the final jam count was 171 jars so we BETTER be set! I can't thank my Grandma and McKenna enough for all their help, I don't even know how! There's no way I could have done it without them and it was a ton of fun :) thanks to you guys too!

Then, the day after Jamming, was the Relay for Life. Aunt Tanya posted a lot of pictures so, again, I don't want to be redundant :) there were emotionally charged parts of it and some parts that weren't, so I'll keep this short and simple. First off, thank you everyone who came to be part of Jodie's Roadies; I know it was a really simple event/plan, but your presence made it really special and I so appreciate your coming. It was a huge gift to be able to just be around family and remember Grandma, even if most of the time it hurt too much to actually say. The support and love was felt without words, and I know Grandma would be proud of us :)

Love you, Grandma, miss you every day...

After Relay, Richard and I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Enumclaw Highland Games. I was really excited to take him there since it was his first Highland Games and it has become such a big part of my family (well, more my dad...). We enjoyed watching the pipe bands, talking with random people (Richard has a way of doing that... it's very sweet :) ), eating, shopping for potential family dogs at the kennel area, eating, looking through some vendors, eating, and... well, yeah. On Sunday, my dad and mom and Aunt Tanya/Uncle Bob joined us and we had a great time with them! I look forward to it every year and am already looking forward to it next year!

THEN, Monday was a relaxed day and I painted a wee bit... but Tuesday was a packed day! Toured some homes with our real estate agent (nothing yet...) and left immediately for Grandma Casebolt's while Richard went to work. I picked her up and McKenna met us at the house so that we could celebrate our jammin' with a day at Pike's Place Market! It had been years, from what Grandma said, since she'd been so we thought we'd break the tradition... it was lots of walking, lots of produce shopping and tons of fun! Probably my favorite part was hearing my Grandma continually say, "wow, this place sure has grown since I've been here last!" :) When we got back and had some supper, I jetted for an audition for a community women's choir. The director is one of my dad's pipe band instructors and a musical genius; apparently he and my dad have been talking for a while about me joining the choir, but it's quite the commute down by Lakewood/Fort Lewis... anyway, I've felt like part of me has been missing and it was time to get back into a choir-type group. So I auditioned and made it in! The practice was immediately following and I feel as though it will be the PERFECT group for me. Everyone there was legitimately kind and encouraging and I fit right in; that's saying something, especially when a lot of times choirs can be secretly competitive for individual attention. There were women of all ages and I was joking around and chatting with them already :) also, the director is incredibly musically gifted AND organized; a very rare trait for the "artsy fartsy" types. AND, what was most exciting to me, the music is apparently becoming more difficult as the choir shows it can handle it. I'm so happy about that! Part of the reason I've always loved choir was the musical challenge; another part of me being nervous about joining a choir is that I (feel awful saying this) didn't want a Sister Act pre-Whoopi situation, you know?! Anyway, I'll post when concerts are on here if you're interested in a musical evening :) I feel complete! Thanks Dad for setting it up for me and thanks a million to Richard for being so supportive of what makes me happy :)

Speaking of Richard, I have really exciting news! He's been applying to computer jobs almost every day since getting his A+ certification (wahooo!) but with the economy the way it is it's been slim pickings... but he is so kind and understanding of his customers at Rite Aid that they always love him. His regulars come to the store asking if he's working and come back when he does because he's so nice! It makes me extremely proud of him and is a huge testament of his kind heart :) but it's actually paying off too! They chat with him and find out that he works on computers and get his business card from him and, two weeks ago, an elderly woman gave him a call and had him work on her computer. She was so excited and thankful for his hard work and low costs, she referred him to local businesses and her family members and he's already gotten other jobs from it! The extra income is nice, but I'm just happy that he has the opportunity to practice his trade and network. I know it makes him happy :) so yay for growing opportunities and skills! And any prayers you could send his way for a computer or IT job would be appreciated more than you know.

Also, a quick Richard update about the accident, we've been attempting to work with the insurance company on a settlement and medical costs and they aren't really playing nice. So, we've got a few more tricks up our sleeve that we heard from legal council and, if they don't play ball, we'll need to seek an attorney. Any thoughts or prayers you can send us for that would be appreciated as well. We just want it to be done!

Anyway, enough gushing... we're leaving tomorrow for Spokane to see the Falk side of the family for the first time in three months and we're really excited! They've been saving their family camping trip and Silverwood trip for us as well as his sister's wedding reception :) It'll be great to see them and spend time with his nephews as well as talk wedding with them a bit... I'll blog about that trip when we come back :) After that it'll be a downhill slide to the beginning of the school year! It's happening waaaaay too soon... oh well, I keep reminding myself how lucky I am to get a vacation like this in the first place. Anyway, I love you guys with all my heart...

Enjoy the crazy cat lady picture :) at least it's cute!


1 comment:

  1. He He, crazy cat lady. At least it's not me for once!

    Thanks for the kind words. Think up more projects and come use more of my extra materials so I can get more closet space. Pleease!
