Friday, December 9, 2011

E002 - A Classroom of Champions

Hello beloved loved ones :) sorry, this is going to be a quick one again. I hope to have a full-on update during Christmas break, but until then I wanted to show you my pride and joy: my classroom! It's been quite a work in progress and more can change, but I'm really happy with how it's turning out right now. When I got this room, it hadn't been inhabited for four years but had been used for math, leadership, and english. By the pictures, I hope you will see how difficult that must have been. They also left all of their junk in there, so it was a fun one to clean for the first month or so of school! Anyway, here she is! Love you all, I'll talk to you in a week or two :) wish me luck to finish the week strongly and not die before my "seasonal non-holiday specific pre-winter break hootenany" (aka class Christmas party).

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, pretty walls. Our school thinks one bland color is a good idea because they only have to store one color of paint that way...wouldn't want to make a pleasant learning environment.

    Your room looks grrreat! Keep up the good work.
