Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Quick One

Hi there! I'm very sorry, this little witty ditty is going to be short and has no pictures, but I promise a more in depth one is to come in the upcoming weeks.

Been pretty busy around here. Between schoolwork, choir, the play, volunteering with the refugees, spending time with a child with cerebral palsy, a social life and planning a campus-wide womens retreat again, I have been fairly preoccupied. All are going very very well! I just got back from Feminight this afternoon (woot! I live! AGAIN!) and am about to pass out right... about... NOW!........... Just kidding, I guess I've got a little bit more wind in me. It was breathtaking at Camp Reed, and don't worry plenty went wrong. You know, like giving all the girls the wrong directions on how to get there (not my doing... and if I hear one more "well, if this were a MEN's retreat..." I may just crawl into a hidey-hole) and starting a small fire in the downstairs floor of the lodge (by the way, Camp Reed really needs to change out its fire detectors... we caught it as it happened but it was still pretty smokey and no alarm sounded). But besides that it was incredible :) Our speaker was phenomenal, the planned events were great, the dance party was HOPPIN' (I was the dj... my only stipulation to do it again :) ), the food was great (I had fun working in the kitchen the time I wasn't dancing) and we had over 100 girls go this time. It was such a blessing, I can't even begin. And I could talk forever but I won't because I know it's not the small details that makes it good. Just know that it was a wonderful time :)

To top off the wonderful time, I got a really bad burn on my finger (I was making like 6 grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch at Feminight for the vegetarians and... well, digit met grill...) and have a really bad head cold including runny nose and scratchy man voice that made it difficult to yell out announcements during the event. That on top of extreme fatigue from a busy weekend with one 10-minute break other than sleep equals me going to bed in approximately 7 minutes. I will hopefully be posting again soon with more stories (I'm so tired I can't think of anything right now...) so until then I love you all and have a fantastic week :)

With love,


  1. Sounds like fun! But please take care of our sweet Chelsea and get more rest, We love you and don't want you to get sick.(Sorry for the sermanizing). Love you

  2. You go, Go, GO while you can!

    (You have to post more for my previous suggestion to work.)

  3. Have you ever heard of burning the candle at both ends?? Some rest is required for the body to function. End of lecture Love you G&GBook
