Saturday, April 24, 2010


Chello, this is a fully living, breathing, and somewhat functioning Chelsea here. Tis nearing the end of the semester and school is winding down! I am so thankful to see the end of this semester, I need a break! Between a normal class load, three field experiences, three jobs (although their hours would really count as about one, but still have to run around everywhere to each one), leadership responsibilities, volunteering with the Sudanese family and upkeeping my house and such, it's been a looooong semester. But so much is life! This is the way it's going to be from here on out, I realize that it's the reality of adulthood. But since when did it come up so fast?! I'm boycotting. Is it still 2003? Yes it is. And don't try and convince me otherwise... no, I don't wanna hear it!

So this is going to be a quicky update because 1) my life is school and not as interesting right now, and 2) I gotsta get over to my favorite coffee shop soon to work on my monstrous unit plan assignment. In news, two hopings have become official; I am officially going to Kazakhstan, and I am officially student teaching in Dave Gamon's classroom (the incredible middle school teacher I've been working with this semester asked if I would student teach with him and then he got it all set up with the school for me :) so humbling, that never happens for secondary people around here!) I'm extremely excited for the future right now, it's almost making me a tad bit impatient. But all this along with finishing up my degree (mostly) next Fall, Haiti in the summer and a new house to move into (with much better situations all around), next year is shaping up to be the best year of my life so far! In other news, the only thing that is weighing on my mind at the moment is summer employment. I've been sending out resumes and applications like they're free hot donuts but haven't gotten a bite yet. I'm not extremely worried about it right now because Whitworth ends in May so I will be in the job market early; if need be, I'll become a professional job hunter once school is out. I need to focus on finishing the year strong, but I'm still being proactive about summer employment. Maybe I'll find something perfect under a rock somewhere!
In other news, there isn't much news. I have been fairly preoccupied with school and work and schoolwork so I try and take mini relaxing vacations when I can. Steph and I tried to go hiking the other weekend and couldn't find the trail so we wandered down a dirt road for a good hour and a half making up stories and murder mysteries. Also, with the craziness, it's important for us to get away so I made a surprise picnic for her at Riverfront Park downtown (I know, aren't we just the cutest couple ever?! :) ) and it was SO stunningly beautiful outside we just stayed down there for a while to avoid homework. Basically, that is what life has boiled down to right now: homework. I'm so cool, my weekends are now filled with being antisocial and staying locked up to complete everything that needs to get done by the end of the year. But everything is temporary, and I will again be up to my old tricks :) makes me extremely excited to be here during the summer with good friends and good times!
Anyway, gotta jet! I love you all and hope you are well; please keep me updated! To throw a picture in here, just because I should, here's a picture of Steph and I on our picnic adventure. Enjoy the awkwardness :) and wish me luck on my unit on the cell!

Peace and love,