Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well, I'm home! Finally :) I am very happy to be back and... well, sleeping... I haven't been very useful otherwise... The past few weeks have been quite the wurlwind for many reasons. I spent one weekend on the Westside for the Christmas choir concert (thank you to all who came out... I hope the music meant as much to you as it and your presence meant to me). And the weekend after that, we had our Spokane concert series. In that way, I was kept pretty far away from my homework :) I was nominated as a choir officer this year so the time I would have spent studying I spent with the sick singers and coordination social events. Good stuff, huh?! :) Also, I finished my play which was a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. My friends said I was a proper prostitute so that's always good haha. That and I finished finals last week, finished Microbial Physiology FOREVER, and am getting prepped and rested for JanTerm. I will be finishing up my Psychology minor with Belief in Weird Things (yes, it's actually a class...) and playing in the snow (no, that is not a class... but if it were I'd already have a degree completed).

Anyway, lots of good stuff goin' on but little focus as to what they are... sorry! I've just been living about the same life and doing just about the same things, but would love to hear how you are doing! I hope you all have safe travels this holiday season, and enjoy family and friends!

With hope that you experience His perfect joy in His season,

P.S. Steph will be in South Africa all of January, and I would appreciate if you could send good juju vibes and prayers her way for safe travels and good lessons.

P.S.S. For those of you wondering, Coleson is doing better! His tumor is shrinking so we're just hoping that he will not need radiation before they can remove it... thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

P.S.S.S. I may be out of line, but I challenge you to remember what others in the world need this holiday season as opposed to what some may not even want...